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TerraNomada is a small independent stock photo agency representing for image licensing the work of Dennis Kaarsgaarn and Elmer Jutte. The image bank contains over 10.000 images, covering a vast diversity of worldwide travel, nature and historical subjects. Currently a small portion of those images can be seen online in our photo gallery.
We license images for any use, including advertising, corporate, promotional, editorial illustration in magazines and books, web, media, presentations, decor, and retail products.
All our 35mm images are available as pre-scanned high resolution digital files, up to 3000x5000 pixels (11x17 inches at 300dpi) which can generally be made available by email or download within a couple of hours after the stock photography order. Unless specified otherwise, images will be transmitted in Adobe RGB, saved as high quality (photoshop 9) jpeg. For substantial orders, original slides or transparencies might be shipped upon special request.
Like many providers of high quality images we specialize in right-managed licensing to guarantee you the limited use of each image. TerraNomada has a record of uses of each image in our photo library. We will always inform you if an image has been used by a competitor in the same industry. No images in our photo library appear in royalty-free CDs. In general, we charge one-time use fees which depend on the actual usage, but we can arrange for any type of license to meet exactly your needs.
For a quote, provide as much detail as you can. This is important because if we do not have enough information, we would assume that you require more general rights, resulting in a higher quote. Please provide us with the following information:
Contact phone number/e-mail address
End use of image/Name of client
Usage type/Size/Placement
Requested rights/Other uses
Licensing contracts can be paid by major credit cards (authorization form (pdf)), paypal and wire transfer. See license agreement for more details.
Contact us for your stock photo needs. If you are a photo editor or graphic designer looking for strong travel, nature and historical stock images, please contact us by e-mail or phone with your stock photography research request. We can do a fast stock photo search in our image bank and suggest quickly the right images to help you make the strongest presentation. There will never be any stock photo research charge for courteous and professional service.
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